Wednesday, 11 December 2019
  Polish team won the 3rd place in the competition for the best movie promoting the project. Hurrrrraaaaayyy!!!!!

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

As part of the GOAL Erasmus + project, students and teachers from our project countries visited Bari, Italy between 21-28 September 2019.

We had the opportunity to see I.I.S.S. Marco Polo and learn many interesting things about the system education in this country. The hosts welcomed us very warmly. We had a competition for a film promoting the GOAL Erasmus + project. You can see the winners in the photos!!!



We took part in a Geography lesson with Google Expeditions  application. Using Google Cardboard makes learning easier and more effective.


Visit in Bari Town Hall




Bari flag resembles the Polish flag in colour because the Princess of Bari Bona Sforza was the Queen of Poland. We visited the Dhub startup